Q1. The Chinese PLA Navy is expected to deploy its aircraft carrier into the Indian Ocean in 2024-25. The Indian Navy needs to have atleast 3 aircraft carriers. What are the plans of the Indian Navy to construct another indigenous aircraft carrier as a replacement for INS Vikramaditya?
Ans. Commensurate to India’s growing status as a responsible regional power, to concurrently discharge our responsibilities and protect our maritime interests as well as to support those of our friendly countries, can be effected through a near continuous presence in the IOR. Considering, the vast expansion of the area of operations, and emerging threats/ challenges in the IOR and our areas of interest, it is envisaged that IN would need to conduct concurrent sea control operations by multiple Carrier Battle Groups (CBG) in geographically separate locations. In addition, there exists a need to project power well beyond the shores of India, across the IOR. This can be achieved only through Carrier Battle Groups centred around the Aircraft Carriers, and fortified by destroyers, frigates and corvettes, which through three-dimensional offensive capability wield power to affect, impact and influence to safeguard and promote India’s national interests. As a regional power, Aircraft Carrier substantiates the Navy’s role as a ‘Preferred Security Partner’ and ‘First Responder’ in IOR. Therefore, replacement of INS Vikramaditya would be pursued well in time, as and when due.
Q2. Why 360 degree appraisal in the Navy? How will it help and how much weight weightage will you give to this in the appraisal system? If weightage is not formalised, will it not lead to subjective interpretation?
Ans. The women and men in whites are central to Bharatiya Nausena's 'SHIPS FIRST' approach and will continue to remain its greatest asset in the foreseeable future. Towards promoting their professional and personal development, the Indian Navy recognises that an agile, adaptive, and advanced Human Resource Management is imperative. In that regard, the Navy has institutionalised a novel transformative initiative of '360 Degree Appraisal Mechanism' for various promotion boards.
The present appraisal mechanism of periodic Confidential Reports by senior officers, has an inherent limitation of a 'Top-down' approach, as it does not cater for or quantify a leader's impact on subordinates. The Indian Navy's '360 Degree Appraisal Mechanism' is aimed to address this shortfall by encompassing large-scale surveys from suitably identified peers and subordinates for every officer being considered for promotion. The survey comprises a spectrum of questions, encompassing aspects such as professional knowledge, leadership attributes, suitability in war/ crisis and potential for holding higher ranks. Inputs, thus obtained, are suitably quantified for independent analyses by a nominated Board of Officers, headed by a Flag Officer. This will also be provided as feedback to the officers to effect behavioural changes and improvements.

Bharatiya Nausena takes pride in imbibing such 'best practices' and this initiative is in continuation of other endeavours towards remaining a 'Combat Ready, Credible, Cohesive and Future Proof Force'.
Q3. What are the plans for Vikrant and the MiG 29K squadron to be based on the East Coast?
Ans. Bharatiya Nausena has used its concept of Mission Based Deployments as its foundation to ensure India’s National Security and Maritime interests are safeguarded and we continue to play an effective role in our areas of interest. Bharatiya Nausena’s areas of interest encompasses the entire Indian Ocean Region, as well as the larger Indo-Pacific oceanic space.
The Navy operates two aircraft carriers i.e. INS Vikramaditya and INS Vikrant with integral fighter aircraft capability. Vikrant is planned to be finally based at Vizag along with the fighter fleet, which would primarily be base at INS Dega, Visakhapatnam on the East coast.

Q4. During recently concluded SWAVLAMBAN 2023 at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, the Indian Navy has resolved to further push the Innovation Drive and also signed some MoUs. How has the industry reacted to the call for Innovation by Indian Navy and could you highlight the process refinements done to make SPRINT Success a reality.
Ans. The NIIO seminar ‘Swavlamban 2023’ with expanded scope provided an enhancement to the maiden seminar for start-ups/ MSMEs, wherein a concurrent ‘Exhibition’ and display of the indigenous technologies under fast track development were displayed and showcased to a wider audience from industry/ academia/ DAs from FFCs countries/ Schools at G20 venue, Bharat Mandapam. Reaction of the Industry to the Navy led & MoD-supported innovation drive have been very positive and some of the takeaways are indicated below: -
(a) Fine-tuning the fast track process recently instituted through amended DAP-2020 for simplification.
(b) Focus on fast-tracking procurement processes.
(c) Handholding of indigenous start-ups & MSME for further scale-up of service requirements.
(d) Inculcation of a culture of innovative thinking amongst the young leaders who are best suited to adopt emerging technologies for the future in Bharatiya Nausena.
Q5. In terms of force capabilities, where do you see Indian Navy in 2050 and what would be our major technology & acquisition highlights in Naval arsenals?
Ans. In 2050, I see the Navy as a post-modern, multi-dimensional, versatile, mission-ready, self-reliant and future-proof force, capable of providing warfighting options to the Nation, across the spectrum of conflict.
Towards this, we are building capabilities and capacities for missions in all roles of the Navy. The expansion plan in future includes the induction of aircraft carriers, state-of-the-art Next Generation Warships, submarines, aviation and sub-surface assets, augmentation of autonomous solutions to enhance combat capabilities, and induction of niche technology and equipment to address emergent and future threats.
Q6. What are your thoughts on the level of coordination between the navy and the coast guard? Where does the merchant navy fit in?
Ans. Mainstay of IN-CG synergy for the years have been common larger objectives, which are National Maritime interests. The two maritime forces of the country are working together with positive synergy in accomplishing the higher directives of the GoI. The existing cohesion between the two services is being further enhanced through interaction at both the Apex level (NAVGUARD) and the working level (OPCOM WG). The successful conduct of Ex Sea Vigil 22 with the participation of more than 18000 personnel (excluding IN and CG), 615 surface and 43 air assets conducted and various SAR efforts (during various cyclones) at sea stands testimony of the enhanced coordination between IN and CG.
The Merchant Navy under the control of the Office of DG Shipping is also playing a critical role as eyes and ears in improving the maritime security environment. DG Shipping has also been actively involved in the formulation of SOPs to deal with Maritime Contingencies.
Q7. Maritime security has become a critical factor in international geopolitics. Are we prepared for future threats? Is there sufficient coordination among coastal countries globally and States internally…
Ans. IN is fully prepared to safeguard the maritime interests of the nation. The country's maritime interests encompass the maintenance of the territorial integrity of India against seaward challenges and threats as well as protection of our maritime trade and the merchantmen that embody it. Our coastline today faces significant security challenges from malevolent non-state and state-sponsored anti-national elements. To safeguard the maritime interests of the nation, IN performs four types of roles namely military, diplomatic, constabulary and benign. For these roles, we have adequate capability and are also continuously evolving to meet any new challenges.
To address the wide range and large spread of unconventional security challenges in the maritime domain, such as piracy, smuggling, human trafficking, gun running, etc. Bharatiya Nausena has been pursuing capacity building and capability enhancement of maritime forces in India's neighbourhood through training and technical assistance. Maritime engagements through joint exercises and training with foreign navies large and small, within the IOR and across the world, have become the foundation for mutual understanding and joint operations in times of necessity. They serve to hone skills, develop mutual confidence and create an environment to counter the flow of threats and challenges encountered at sea through inclusive and cooperative efforts.